Strategist Profiler


The Strategist Profiler measures your strategic thinking style along ten dimensions. The scientific work on which this instrument is based has been published in the book Mapping the Mind of the Strategist, by Ron Meyer (2007). The theoretical basis of the ten dimensions is described in the book Strategy Synthesis, (co-)authored by Ron Meyer (Cengage, London, 1999, 2005, 2010).
A short description of these ten dimensions is given on the website of the Center for Strategy & Leadership.

The Strategist Profiler consists of approximately 100 short statements on strategic issues. Participants need to indicate whether they agree or disagree with these statements. Based on each participant’s responses, their preferred strategic thinking is mapped. A style is neither right nor wrong, but does have inherent strengths and limitations.

Once the Strategist Profiler has been completed, the participant will be notified when and how their profile will be communicated back to them.